How To Obtain Final Expense Insurance [If You Are Hard to Insure + A Real Case Study]

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Very excited for my customer Patricia in South Carolina and her son Andre, her Beneficiary, who I was able to get approved for Final Expense Burial Insurance despite having diabetes with active insulin use and strokes:

  • Diabetes
  • Active Insulin Use
  • 3 Previous Strokes
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Anxiety Medication

Patricia even had a couple of knockout drugs in her past that most carriers treat as an automatic DECLINE for Final Expense Burial Policy Whole Life Insurance. One of which was a NITRO. BUT, because as an Independent Provider I have access to MULTIPLE carriers, I knew I had a solution for her. And not just ANY carrier, I was able to get her approved for Level, Day 1 Full Coverage with Full Death Benefit Immediately available.

Most typical insurance agents have 1 carrier and would have either had a Decline or a Graded (takes 2 to 3 years before full death benefit available) outcome for Patricia. In fact, she had been turned down before for Whole Final Expense Burial Insurance. She was offered Term Life Insurance Instead.

There is no need to settle for Term or Graded Life Insurance. With a provider that cares enough to do the work of getting appointed with Multiple carriers and has the expertise and willingness to dig for you and find you the Best option at the best price available for your Burial Policy, you Win. And that is what I aim to do for my customers. I am very happy for Patricia and Andre and she told me at the end of the call “I’ll sleep better tonight knowing this is handled”. I’m grateful I could help her have that feeling.